A new year. A fresh start. An opportunity to do all the things you wish you had done last year, but never seemed to get around to.
True enough - here are some of the goals that I have for 2012.
- reorganize the trailer, new shelving
- clearout ALL old stock
- start a monthly crafting group
- get back on track with classes
- keep up on blog posts, newsletters and facebook entries
- complete gut of website
- revamp consignment part of our business
- organize the best 5 year anniversary event EVER!!!
- plan our calendar at least 3 months out (when possible)
- meet new customers
- focus on ME more
- find a hobby/interest outside of the house
- play with the kids more
- date nights with my husband
- take better care of our house/property
- set a budget and stick to it
- organize regular "family" night with everyone home
- spend more time with my sister
- spend more time with friends
- paint our bedroom for the first time (11 years waiting)
Well, these are a few of my goals. I am sure that I could keep going both personal and for business but hey, I wouldn't want to overwhelm myself...lol
One at a time right? Who am I kidding? I don't think I've ever done one thing at a time. Well, lets see how many I can cross of my list...
What are some of your goals? I would love to hear about them. Please post them in the comments section of this post.
Happy New Year to all of you and good luck with your resolutions, goals, dreams, whatever you set for yourself.